Friday, August 17, 2012

Lessons from the Past

Soon I will be hearing the tune, the birthday tune that is. I will be turning 30 at the end of this month. Wow, it does not seem like I should be 30 years old. LOL how did I get so old so quickly? But over those years I have learned a lot. As I look over my experiences in those years, I see I have learned many valuable lessons. Below are 30 lessons I have learned so far . . .

1.       I am fearfully and wonderfully made and loved by God.

2.       Jumping on a couch during your childhood, could lead to a cracked head.

3.       Do not chase pets into unknown territory, unless you want a permanent scar.

4.       Don’t wear pink underwear under your white t-ball pants.

5.       Despite what your mom says, never perm your bangs.

6.       Remember to always take time to spin, sing and blow bubbles.

7.       Be sure to always watch out for stop signs hiding behind trees.

8.       “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

9.       Honesty is always the best policy.

10.   Never give out your phone number to Duck Hunters while driving on Highway 36.

11.   Don’t ask people, “how does that make you feel” if you are not ready to answer the same question.

12.   Boots are perfect for all seasons.

13.   Say yes to life. Each experience can show you something new about yourself.

14.   Don’t own other people’s crazy. But own yours J

15.   Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

16.   If you are questioning whether a guy is asking you out, know he is asking you out.

17.   Don’t compare any aspect of yourself or your life to anyone else’s.

18.   How can anything be wrong with me? I’m God’s creation!

19.   A large amount of diet coke late at night leads to Crazy Kelly.

20.    Life can be hard, mean and unfair. But I’m going to make it.

21.   My parents may not always agree with me, but they will ALWAYS love me.

22.   You don’t have to have the same DNA to be family.

23.   Texas girls do have more fun. J

24.   I am beautiful in multiple ways and so are you!

25.   Smile and make it work.

26.   Friendship is not defined by the number of text or phone calls or even your zip code. But on shared memories, laughter and trust.

27.   Tomorrow always brings the opportunity to become the person you want to be.

28.   Despite how carefully you walk, sometimes you are going to tumble.

29.   Girls really do want to have fun!

30.   Time continues to go by faster and faster. Do all you can to live each day to its fullest.