Sunday, July 8, 2012

Cinderella Has Arrived

So Call Me Maybe Matt did not work out, but not to worry. There are other fish in the sea. Or so that is what everyone tells me. But I think that actually may be true in Texas. This leads us to our next topic, TEXAS MEN!

But first I have to give you a little backstory so you can truly appreciate the recent developments. As I reflect on my past in terms of relationships, I can sum it up like this; dated one guy; wanted to date a guy but he didn’t want to date me, and went on several bad dates. Just because I did not have an active dating life, did not mean that I didn’t want one. I have always wanted to date, have a boyfriend and someday find the man of my dreams. However, guys never paid me any attention and did not seem interested in dating me. I have male friends in my life but they never purposed anything more than friendship. So, not exactly enough material for a novel there right?

Well two months into Texas life I quickly discover something has changed. Texas men like me!!!!! Did you hear that – Texas men like me!!! So how did this happen? Why the sudden change? Have I changed or are Texas men really different? I have never had so much attention from males in my life. I have been hit on countless time at the grocery store, while pumping gas, in the cafeteria at the university, in the drive-thru and just walking down the sidewalk. I see guys checking me out and sometimes I wonder if I’m just imagining this. But then I look to my friend who is with me and the look on their face confirms what I’m asking. I have become the talk of small town Texas. It has been an interesting adventure as I go on dates with these guys. I'm really not sure how longg this is going to last or what is going to happen next. But i think Cinderella has finally arrived at the ball. Maybe just maybe i can find Prince Charming after all or a cowboy. :)


  1. Love it! You are beautiful and have fun.

  2. Yea! Sounds like you're having fun!

  3. Sounds like Texas is a good place...I should consider moving :)

  4. You are certainly a Cinderella!!! Your aura transcends greatness!
