Saturday, July 7, 2012

Give Texas A Shot

My journey to Texas began back in March when I accepted a new position working for a college in Texas. I was very nervous and excited at the same time. I like the idea of adventures and getting out of my comfort zone. However, actually accomplishing them takes a lot of prayer and time. But my confidence in my decision to move to Texas grew leaps and bounds with the smooth transition I experienced. I had a garage sale and ended up selling my house at it. Not something you typically hear about in this housing market. Saying goodbye to my coworkers and students I had built relationships with over the past four years was much more difficult than I expected. It was one of those moments in your life you won’t forget. I felt so much love, support and encouragement from so many people. I also cried a lot those last couple days in Missouri. Yes, I cry a lot. I consider that normal, while some consider that strange. This is your first opportunity to consider me crazy if you wish. J I said my goodbyes and packed up my Budget truck with the help from my wonderful family and said see you later to Missouri. As I was driving away from my house I did a flashback over the past years. I had accomplished a lot in four years. Bought my first house, bought my first car, completed my master’s degree, traveled to NYC and Los Angeles, ran a few 5ks, tried all kinds of new foods and made some amazing friends. I smiled and thought yes those were successful years.

Somewhere in the middle of Oklahoma I experience a major breakdown and asked my dad if it was too late to change my mind. He just smiled at me and said “YES” and I just started sobbing. That was not the answer I wanted to hear. I was extremely nervous and scared. Some people experience butterflies when they are nervous. I was experiencing buzzards. I knew this is what I needed to do. But I was scared my coworkers would not like me, that I was not cut out of orientation, and that I would not be able to make any friends.  The fears and droughts went on and on to cover every topic possible. That’s the hard part of stepping out of your comfort zone you are not assured of anything on the other side. All you know is that it will be an adventure, but I guess that is what makes reaching the other side extra special too. Stepping out and trusting God to provide for all your needs and give you peace in your decision. After that breakdown I put my smile back on and decided yes it’s too late, so let’s give Texas a shot.
And now a little more than three months later I am so glad I did. I’m so glad I decided to continue walking outside of my comfort zone trusting God to take care of everything. I have grown and experienced so many new adventures these days and weeks in Texas.

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Neale Donald Walsch.